Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Stress how much is it really costing businesses and more importantly you?
How much is it really costing you?
Do you fully understand the magnitude of stress on the work place environment?
A 2000 Integra survey reported:
* 65% of workers said that workplace stress had caused difficulties & more than 10% described these as having major effects;
* 10% said they work in an atmosphere where physical violence has occurred because of job stress & in this group, 42% report that yelling & other verbal abuse is common;
* 29% had yelled at co-workers because of workplace stress, 14% said they work where machinery or equipment has been damaged because of workplace rage & 2% admitted that they had actually personally struck someone;
* 19% or almost one in five respondents had quit a previous position because of job stress & nearly one in four have been driven to tears because of workplace stress;
* 62% routinely find that they end the day with work-related neck pain, 44% reported stressed-out eyes, 38% complained of hurting hands & 34% reported difficulty in sleeping because they were too stressed-out;
* 12% called in sick because of job stress;
* Over half said they often spend 12-hour days on work related duties & an equal number frequently skip lunch because of the stress of job demands.
2000 Integra survey can be found at http://www.stress.org/job.htm
Below studies done on Healing Touch & it's effectiveness in reducing stress:
A Persuasive Commentary & Study: Exploring Perception of HT Therapy as a Positive Treatment Modality for Wellness Maintenance, Physical & Psychological Concerns in Adults. Norma L. Garrett, MSW: The purpose of this 2006 study was to determine the perception of benefits of HT treatments in adults for physical & psychological concerns & maintaining health. Positive results from Healing Touch were perceived for physical problems & for psychological. No one perceived it as negative. For most the treatment was beyond expectations.
Perceived Effectiveness of Healing Touch Treatments: A Performance Improvement Study. Sr. Rita Jean DuBrey, CSJ, RN, MSN, CHTP/I: This performance improvement study was conducted over a seven-week period. 20 clients received Healing Touch in a community based practice. Each participant was asked to complete a survey utilizing 4 indicators: stress reduction, pain reduction (if applicable); emotional well-being, & spiritual well-being. All participants reported a decrease in stress following treatment. The levels of stress were reduced for greater than 2 weeks by 40% of the participants followed by 4-7 days for 30% of the participants. For those 8 individuals who sought treatment for pain reduction they experienced a reduction in pain either for 1-2 weeks (50%) or 2 weeks (50%). Emotional well-being was reported to last for greater a minimum of a week for 50% of the sample. Spiritual well-being was reported by all but one of the subjects. The increase in spiritual well being lasted for 2 weeks for the majority of subjects (60%).
If you are a business owner & would like to to see how Healing Touch can benefit your office please contact me via email or by phone (586) 719-4582 to set up a special rate for you & your employees.